School Division Goals

Academic Achievement and Growth

● SCPS ensures all students are able to achieve high levels of academic success in order to be college, career, and citizenship ready.

Positive School Climate and Culture

● SCPS expects students, parents, and staff members to contribute to a culture of respect and positive relationships.

Family Engagement and Community Connections

● SCPS engages with parents and community partners to enable students to be emotionally ready to access their learning.

Recruit, Support, and Retain Enthusiastic Professionals

● SCPS provides a positive and engaging environment so that staff feels valued, empowered, and supported.

High Quality and Adequate Facilities and Learning Environments

● SCPS facilities and learning environments are current, adaptable, flexible, and support collaboration, creativity, rigor, and authentic learning.

SCPS Beliefs

8 months ago


The Mission of Shenandoah County Public Schools is to prepare each student for a future of life-long learning. We believe that:

  • The success of Shenandoah County Public Schools rests with how well we prepare our students for the future
  • All members of the learning community are valued and respected
  • A work environment must encourage and support trust, mutual respect, open communications, and risk taking
  • Processes which allow for continuous improvement and problem solving are essential
  • The education of all members of the learning community is a shared responsibility.


The Vision of Shenandoah County Public Schools is to be the first choice for education by:

  • Producing individuals who have the skills, ability, and attitudes to succeed as productive citizens and develop a mindset of life-time learning
  • Demonstrating high standards and expectations for all school personnel
  • Maximizing the utilization of school resources
  • Fostering goals and values that will be embraced by those whom the school division touches
  • Recognizing superior performance
  • Comparing favorably with Virginia standards.

Belief Statements
Great communities come from great schools; therefore, we believe.....

  • All decisions are based on the best interest of our students.
  • Meaningful learning occurs only in the presence of meaningful relationships.
  • Measures of success are unique and individualized for each learner.
  • Continuous growth and improvement is expected for everyone.
  • Problem solving is an essential skill.
  • An atmosphere of respect must exist.
  • The education of our children is an investment of time, labor, and resources in our future.