Technology Department Staff

Director of Network Systems - Douglas Culler Supervisor of Instructional Technology - Timothy Taylor Administrative Assistant - Cheryl Hedrick Network Administrator - Charity Shifflett Network Administrator - Derek Gilmore Network Administrator - Josh Rhinehart Technology Technicians - Kota Mori, Joe Hays, Caleb Heater, Jamie Runion, Kyle Rose Instructional Technology Resource Coaches - Michelle Coleman, Matt Hachey, Rich Shockey, Matt Britton, Chanda Greco Technology Department Hours and Phone Number M-F 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 540-459-6709

Order Your Own Chromebook Charger Replacement

Shenandoah County Public School’s Technology Department requires replacement chargers for Chromebooks to be UL-certified or listed for the safety of students and staff. UL certification ensures that the charger meets stringent safety standards set by Underwriters Laboratories, a global safety certification company. Devices with UL certification undergo rigorous testing for potential hazards like electric shock, fire, and overheating. By requiring UL-certified chargers, schools prioritize the safety of their students and staff, mitigating the risk of accidents or damage to devices. Chargers provided by the SCPS Technology Department will be Dell OEM chargers. Sometimes it does take a bit more time to order replacement chargers through the SCPS Technology Department. If you wish to order a replacement charger for your child's Chromebook online, here are links to three options:

  1. Amazon - Dell Store

  2. Amazon - Non OEM

  3. UL Listed - Non OEM

Digital Citizenship Resources

a month ago

    Digital Citizenship Curriculum Resources

(If you have a question about any of these resources, please contact Tim Taylor or the SCPS Technology Department at 459-6709)

The week of October 16 - 20, 2024, is designated as Digital Citizenship Week in our division.  Schools will schedule various activities during this week that address Internet Safety topics such as cyberbullying, Internet predators, identity theft, netiquette for social networking, texting, and others.  Our school division takes the time to emphasize the importance of online safety not only this week but throughout the school year. It is our responsibility to assist in making sure our students are making appropriate, safe decisions on how they use Internet resources.  Thanks to everyone for their cooperation in helping to make our students safe online. Click here to view our Internet Safety Instructional Program.  We are a partner with The Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

Here is a list of Digital Citizenship Resources:
  1. SafeKids
  2. NetSmartzKids
  3. Microsoft Security
  4. Cyberbullying
  5. Safe Teens
  6. Safe Search Kids
  7. Common Sense Education Online Safety
  8. Cyber Safety - Internet Safety Tips
  9. Center for Cyber Safety and Education
  10. Compare Antivirus Software Reviews
  11. A Parent’s Guide to Internet Safety
  12. Internet Safety and Cybersecurity Awareness for Secondary/College Students
  13. Online Safety Guide for Parents
  14. Ultimate Parent's Guide to Internet Safety
  15. Student Guide to Internet Safety
  16. Linewize CyberSafety Hub
Resources for teaching Copyright, Creative Commons, and Fair Use.

Internet Privacy Statement

It is the policy of Shenandoah County Public Schools that personal information about citizens will be collected only to the extent necessary to provide the service or benefit desired; that only appropriate information will be collected; that the citizen shall understand the reason the information is collected and be able to examine their personal record which is maintained by a public body.

This website

  1. collects no personal information.  Internet servers do collect communication protocol addresses from the personal computers accessing the website in order to facilitate communication.  By itself, this information does not constitute personal information.
  2. does not place a “cookie” on your computer, and
  3. will not track your movements through the website.”