Staff Members
Student Support Services
Student Support Services Department
The goal of the Student Services Department is to identify, monitor, and coordinate services to students, parents, and school personnel that will provide a foundation and/or pathway for student success. Contact the department if you have questions regarding the following:
Rebecca Cooper - Nurse Coordinator - Coordinates services related to the nursing staff and is a liaison between community agencies and the schools with matters related to student health. Contact information: 540-459-5155 ex.5412
Amanda Kibler – Court and Community Liaison – Coordinates services regarding compulsory attendance, community service providers, and juvenile issues that come before the court. Contact information: 540-459-6328.
Deborah Litten – Supervisor – Coordinates services regarding the following: Student Health, Homebound Instruction, Home school Instruction, Religious Exemption, Homeless Liaison, Foster Care Liaison, Records Management, and School Safety. Contact information: 540-459- 6750.